- Abrasives, Fillers, Sealants and Lubricants
- Abrasives
- Sand Paper - Aluminium Oxide Cloth
- Sand Paper - Aluminium Oxide Paper
- Sand Paper - Emery Cloth
- Sand Paper - Floor Sanding
- Sand Paper - Glasspaper
- Sand Paper - Silicon Carbide Finishing
- Sand Paper - Wet and Dry
- Sand Paper Rolls
- Sanding Cloth Coils
- Sanding Pads, Blocks and Sponges
- Steel and Wire Wool
- Valve Grinding Paste
- Fillers
- Hand, Workshop Cleaners and Wipes
- Lubricants
- Sealants
- Automotive Tools
- Air Power Tools
- Bodyshop
- Air Accessory Kits
- Body and Trim
- Body Repair
- Cabinets
- Caulking Guns
- Coating
- Drying
- Dust-Free Vacuums
- HVLP Spray Guns
- Mini Air Brushes
- Paint Can Crusher
- Panel Tools
- Paraffin Spray Guns
- Preparation
- Refinishing Spray Guns
- Riveters
- Sealant Guns
- Spray Gun Accessories
- Spray Gun Cleaning Tanks
- Vehicle Manoeuvring
- Compressors
- Construction and Craft
- Chisel Mortiser
- Clamping
- Cutters and Shears
- Detectors
- Dust Extraction
- Hand Tools
- Heating Tools
- Hole Saws
- Knives and Multi-Tools
- Lathes
- Measuring
- Pipe Tools
- Planer and Thicknessers
- Pliers
- Power Saws
- Profile Gauges
- Roller Stands
- Sanders
- Screwdrivers
- Soldering and Heating
- Staplers and Nailers
- Tiling Tools
- Trestles
- Vices
- Voltage Testers
- Workbenches
- Consumables
- Abrasive Hand Pads
- Abrasive Papers
- Air Hammer Chisels
- Arc Welding
- Backing Pads
- Ball Joint Covers
- Blades
- Bonded Seals
- Brakes
- Buffing and Polishing
- Buffing Wheels
- Chemicals
- Circlips
- Clevis Pins
- Compound and Polish
- Cutting Discs
- CVJ Boots
- Detergents
- Drill Bits and Sets
- Individual - Fully Ground
- Individual - Fully Ground Cobalt
- Individual - Roll Forged
- Individual - Spot Weld Boron
- Individual - Spot Weld Cobalt
- Individual - Step Drill
- Sets - Assorted
- Sets - Double End
- Sets - Fully Ground
- Sets - Fully Ground Cobalt
- Sets - Left Hand
- Sets - Masonry
- Sets - Roll Forged
- Sets - Spot Weld
- Sets - Step Drill
- Sets - Wood
- Dry Stone Wheels
- E-Clips
- Electrical
- Battery Clamps
- Battery Terminal - Posts
- Battery Terminals Anti-Theft
- Battery Terminals Heavy-Duty
- Battery Terminals Light-Duty
- Battery Terminals Medium-Duty
- Blade Fuse - Assortment
- Blade Fuse - MAXI
- Blade Fuse - MINI
- Blade Fuse - Standard
- Cable - Flat Twin
- Cable - Multi Core
- Cable - Single
- Cable - Twin
- Cable Sleeving
- Cable Tie Mounts
- Cable Ties
- Copper Lug Terminals
- Crimp Terminals - Asstd Colours
- Crimp Terminals - Blue
- Crimp Terminals - Red
- Crimp Terminals - Yellow
- Crimp Terminals Heat Shrink - Asstd Colours
- Crimp Terminals Heat Shrink - Blue
- Crimp Terminals Heat Shrink - Red
- Crimp Terminals Heat Shrink - Yellow
- Crocodile Clips
- Fuse Accessories
- Heat Shrink Tubing - Asstd Colours
- Heat Shrink Tubing - Black
- Heat Shrink Tubing - Black and Red
- Heat Shrink Tubing - Red
- LED Bulbs
- P-Clips Rubber
- Plugs and Sockets
- Silicone Tape
- Solder Terminals Heat Shrink
- Starter Cable
- Wire T-Taps
- Emery Papers
- Exhaust Mounts
- Flap Discs
- Flap Wheels
- Fuel Filters
- Glues, Adhesives and Sealants
- Grease Fittings
- Grease Nipples
- Grinding Discs
- Grinding Stones
- Hose Clips
- Janitorial
- Linch Pins
- Maintenance
- MIG Welding
- Multi-Tool Consumables
- Needle Scaler Consumables
- Nuts and Bolts
- O-Rings
- Oils and Lubricants
- Oxyacetylene Welding
- Paint
- Paint Brushes
- Parts Cleaning
- Personal Hygiene
- Plastic Welding Rods
- Polycarbide Wheels
- Preparation Pads
- R-Clips
- Rivets
- Roll Pins
- Rope
- Rotary Burrs
- Sanding Belts
- Sanding Discs
- Sanding Sleeves
- Saw Blades
- Screws and Fixings
- Shot Blasting
- Solder
- Speedfit Pneumatic System
- Split Pins
- Spot and Stud Welding
- Spray Gun Filters
- Staples, Nails and Hoops
- Steel Wool
- Stripe Removal Pads
- Tapes
- Threaded Inserts
- Tools and Accessories
- Trim Clips
- Washers
- Wet Stone Wheels
- Wire Brushes
- Wire Wheels
- Electric Power Tools
- Garage and Workshop
- Heating and Cooling
- Jacking, Lifting and Towing
- Air Jacks
- Axle Stands
- Bottle Jacks
- Cranes
- Creepers and Seats
- Engine Stands and Supports
- Forklift, Farm and Tractor Jacks
- Jacking Beams
- Lighting Brackets
- Load Handling
- Ramps and Chocks
- Rotating Amber Beacons
- Scissor Jacks
- Tie Downs
- Tow Poles and Ropes
- Towing Accessories
- Trailer Boards
- Transmission Jacks - Floor
- Transmission Jacks - Vertical
- Trolley Jacks
- Vehicle Lifts
- Vehicle Support Stands
- Wheel Removal Trolleys
- Winches
- Work Lights
- Janitorial, Garden and Leisure
- Bungee Cords and Cargo Nets
- Cigarette and Litter Bins
- Cleaning Aids
- Garden Tools
- Grit Boxes
- Janitorial
- Ladders
- Leisure
- Log Splitters
- Miscellaneous
- Pressure Washers
- Safety Barriers
- Tarpaulins
- Vacuum Cleaners
- Valeting Machines
- Vehicle Accessories
- Vehicle Clamps and Barriers
- Vehicle Covers
- Vehicle Manoeuvring
- Water Hoses
- Water Pumps
- Workshop Matting
- Lighting and Power
- Automotive Bulb Inspection Lamps
- Cable Reels
- Extension Leads and Plugs
- Floodlights
- Fluorescent Inspection Lamps
- Fluorescent Workshop Lights
- Generators
- Head Torches
- Lanterns
- Lead Lamps
- LED Inspection Lamps
- Mobile Power Systems
- Power Inverters
- Retracting Cable Reels
- Spotlights
- Torches
- Transformers
- Under Bonnet Lamps
- Work Lights
- Lubrication
- Machine Shop
- Material Handling
- Motorcycle and Bicycle Tools
- Premier Hand Tools
- Adjustable Wrenches
- Bit Sets
- Bolt Croppers and Cutters
- Breaker Bars
- Cutters and Shears
- Extension Bars
- Extractors
- Files
- Hammers
- Impact Extension Bars
- Impact Socket Accessories
- Impact Socket Sets
- Impact Sockets Individual
- Key Sets
- Knives and Multi-Tools
- Nut Drivers
- Pick-Up and Inspection
- Pliers
- Prybars and Heelbars
- Punches and Chisels
- Ratchet Wrenches
- Saws
- Scrapers and Hooks
- Screwdrivers
- Socket Accessories
- Socket and Bit Sets
- Socket Sets
- Sockets Individual
- Spanners
- Specialised Bits and Sockets
- Tool Storage
- Tool Trays
- Torque Wrenches
- Safety Products
- Siegen Hand Tools
- Adjustable Wrenches
- Bit Sets
- Bolt Croppers and Cutters
- Extension Bars
- Files
- Hammers
- Key Sets
- Knives and Multi-Tools
- Measuring
- Pick-Up and Inspection
- Pliers
- Prybars and Heelbars
- Punches and Chisels
- Ratchet Wrenches
- Riveters
- Saws
- Scrapers and Hooks
- Screwdrivers
- Socket and Bit Sets
- Socket Sets
- Sockets Individual
- Spanners
- Specialised Bits and Sockets
- Spirit Levels
- Stripping and Crimping
- Thread Cutting
- Tool Kits
- Tool Storage
- Tool Trays
- Torque Wrenches
- Tyre and Wheel Maintenance
- Storage and Workstations
- Vehicle Service
- Body and Trim
- Braking
- Cooling System
- Electrics
- Engine
- Borescopes
- Compression Test - Diesel
- Compression Test - Petrol
- Cylinder Head Tools
- Decarbonising and Cleaning
- Diagnostic Tools
- Feeler and Angle Gauges
- Fuel and Air Con Tools
- Fuel Pressure Test
- General Tools
- Glow Plug Tools
- Injector Tools
- Oil Drain Plug Tools
- Oil Filter Removal
- Oil Pressure Test
- Piston and Bore Tools
- Pyrometers
- Sensor Tools
- Spark Plug Tools
- Thread Restorers
- Timing Lights
- Engine Stands and Supports
- Exhaust Tools
- General Workshop Tools
- MOT Equipment
- Setting and Locking Tools
- Steering, Hub and Suspension
- Alignment Gauges and Tools
- Ball Joint Removal
- Bearing Tools
- Bush Removal
- Coil Spring Compressors
- CVJ Tools
- Seal and Hub Tools
- Shock Absorber Tools
- Specialised Sockets
- Steering Tools
- Suspension Tools
- Thread Restorers
- Tread Depth Gauges
- Tyre Fitting Equipment
- Tyre Inflators
- Tyre Pressure Gauges
- Tyre Valve Tools
- Transmission
- Welding and Cutting
- Promotion
- Adhesives, Fixings and Hardware
- Adhesives and Tapes
- Adhesive Cleaners
- Anti-Slip Tape
- Araldite and Epoxy Adhesives
- Blu Tack
- Contact Adhesives
- Copydex Adhesives
- Coving Adhesive
- Double Sided and Carpet Tapes
- Flooring Adhesives
- Gaffer and Builders Tapes
- General Purpose Adhesives
- Glass and Mirror Adhesives
- Glue Guns
- Glue Sticks
- Grab and Nail Free Adhesives
- Industrial Cyanoacrylate Adhesvies
- Industrial Gasketing
- Industrial Retaining Adhesives
- Industrial Structural Adhesives
- Packing Tape
- Plastic and Leather Adhesives
- PVA Adhesives
- Sellotape
- Spray Adhesives
- Superglue
- Superglue Removers
- Threadlocking
- Velcro Brand
- Waterproof Tape
- Wood Adhesives
- Bolts and Nuts
- Building Consumables
- Chains, Ropes and Tie-Downs
- Electrical Fittings and Lightbulbs
- Adaptors UREA
- Blanking Plugs
- Electricians Insulation Tape
- Energy Saving Halogen Tubes and Capsules
- Energy Saving Lightbulbs
- Fused Spurs and DP Switches
- Junction Boxes
- Light Switches
- Night Lights
- Outdoor Weather Ready Fittings
- Pendant and Lamp Holders
- Shaver Unit
- Sockets Switched and Unswitched
- Surface - Partition and Back Boxes
- Terminal Connectors and Fuses
- Timers
- Travel Adaptors
- Fixings
- Aercrete Fixings
- Band Fixings
- Cable Clips
- Cable Ties
- Cavity Wall Fixings
- Chemical Fixings
- Drop in Fixings
- Frame and Window Fixings
- Hammer In Fixings
- Hook and Eye Masonry Fixings
- Household Fixings
- Jubilee Clips and Hose Clips
- Lightning Bolts
- Masonry Fixings
- Pipe Clip Fixings
- Plasterboard Fixings
- Plastic and Nylon Wall Plugs
- Resin Chemical Anchor Studs
- Rigid and Modesty Blocks
- Sanitary Fixings
- Sleeve Anchor Fixings
- Through Bolts
- Tool Clips
- Universal Fixing Plug
- Wire Hangers
- Worktop Clamps
- General Hardware
- Hand Tackers and Staplers
- Nails
- Annular Ring Nails
- Cartridge Nails
- Cladding Nails and Pins
- Clout Nails
- Cut Clasp Nails
- Felt Nails
- Lost Head Nails
- Masonry Nails
- Mickey Pin Nails
- Nail Gun Cartridges
- Netting Staples
- Oval Head Nails
- Panel Pins
- Picture Fixings
- Plasterboard Nails
- Round Head Nails
- Spring Head Nails
- Twist Nail Nails
- Veneer Pins
- Riveting and Soldering
- Screws
- Baypole Screws
- Carcass Screws
- Clothes Hook Screws
- Coach Screws
- Cover Caps
- Decking Screws
- Drywall Screws
- General Purpose Screws
- Machine Screws
- Mirror Screws
- Multi-Purpose Screws
- Roofing Screws
- Satellite Fixing Kit
- Screw Cup
- Screw Eyes
- Screw Hooks
- Security Screws
- Self-Tapping Screws
- Socket Screws
- Tamper Proof Screws
- Timber Fixing Screws
- Vine Eyes
- Wood Screws
- Cameras, Lighting and Door Entry
- Decorating and Wood Care
- Decorating - Painting Tools
- Decorating - Preparation
- Buckets
- Decorating Sundries
- Draught Excluders
- Dust Sheets and Dust Covers
- Dusting Brushes
- Knives - Chisel
- Knives - Filling
- Knives - Putty
- Masking Tape
- Knives - Stripping
- Multitools
- Paint Strippers and Graffiti Removers
- Paint, Floor and Wall Scrapers
- Sanding Sealers
- Shave Hooks
- Tack Cloths
- uPVC Cleaners and Paint
- Window and Glass Scrapers
- Glasscutters and Glass Lifter
- Paints and Spray Paints
- Stains, Preservers and Treatments
- Tiling Tools and Tile Adhesives
- Grouting Tools
- Laminate Cutters
- Profile Gauges
- Silicon Removers and Spreaders
- Tile and Grout Adhesives
- Tile Cutters - Flat Bed
- Tile Cutters - Hand
- Tile Cutters - Powered
- Tile Files
- Tile Jigsaw Blades
- Tile Kits
- Tile Marking Pencils
- Tile Plastic Trim Cutter
- Tile Saws
- Tile Scorers
- Tile Spacers
- Tile Trims and Bath Seals
- Tile Wash and Clean Up Kits
- Wet Room Tanking
- Wallpapering Tools and Consumables
- Wax, Varnish, Polish, Oil and Dyes
- Wire \ Scratch Brushes
- Drill Bits and Holesaws
- Countersinks, Plug Cutters and Screw Diggers
- Drill Bits - Glass, Tile, Core and Diamond
- Drill Bits - Masonry and SDS
- Drill Bits - Metal
- A101 HSS Left Hand Spiral Jobber Drill
- A108 Quick Spiral for Stainless Steel
- A110 Long Series Drills
- A120 HSS Stub Drills
- A125 Extra Length Drills
- A130 Morse Taper Shank Drills
- A170 Parallel Shank Drills
- A200 and A225 Centre Drills - HSS
- Blacksmith Drills
- CONECUT Sheet and Tube Drills
- HSS Jobber, Twist Drills for Metal
- Step Drills and Bradrads
- Taper Drills
- TiN Coated and Cobalt Jobber Drills
- TiN Coated and Cobalt Jobber Drills
- Drill Bits - Wood
- Holesaws
- Mixed Bit Sets
- Garden Tools
- Axes and Splitting Wedges
- Digging and Cultivating
- Garden Machinery
- Lawn and Hedge Care
- Pruning
- Spares, Maintenance and Sharpening Tools
- Chainsaw and Garden Safety
- Cylinder Mower and Chain Sharpeners
- Drive Belts - Flymo
- Drive belts - Qualcast
- Greenhouse Parts
- Metal Blades - Flymo
- Metal Blades - Others
- Metal Blades - Spacers
- Petrol Engine and Other Spares
- Plastic Blades - B and D, Flymo
- Plastic Blades - Bosch
- Plastic Blades - Flymo
- Plastic Blades - Other Brands
- Plastic Blades - Qualcast
- Replacement Chains
- Spool and Lines - Black and Decker
- Spool and Lines - Bosch and Qualcast
- Spool and Lines - Flymo
- Spool and Lines - Other Brands
- Spool and Lines - Ryobi
- Trimmer Line
- Watering Products
- Weedkiller, Feed, Seed and Propagators
- Hand Tools
- Builders Tools
- Bolsters, Cold Chisels and Scutch Chisels
- Brick Hods
- Brick Jointers and Rakers
- Crow, Pry and Wrecking Bars
- Darbies
- Door and Board Lifters
- Feather Edges and Screeding Levels
- Floor and Wall Scrapers
- Forks
- Gas Torch Kits and Accessories
- Groundwork Tools
- Mixing Paddles
- Mortar Rakes
- Muck Buckets and Builders Tubs
- Plasterers and Dry Lining Tools
- Pointing and Grouting Guns
- Roofers and Slaters Tools
- Scaffold Spanners
- Shovels
- All Steel Digging Spade
- All Steel Square Shovels
- All Steel Taper Shovels
- Cable Laying Shovels
- Coal and Snow Shovels
- Draining Shovels
- Grafting Shovels
- Insulated Shovels
- Irish Shovels
- Micro Shovels
- Open Socket Shovels Round T Handle
- Open Socket Shovels Square D Handle
- Open Socket Shovels Square Long Handle
- Open Socket Shovels Square T Handle
- Replacement Shovel Handles
- Solid Socket Shovels Round D Handle
- Solid Socket Shovels Round T Handle
- Solid Socket Shovels Square D Handle
- Solid Socket Shovels Square T Handle
- Solid Socket Shovels Taper D Handle
- Solid Socket Shovels Taper T Handle
- Trenching Shovels
- West Country Shovels
- Specialist Builders Tools
- Specialist Flooring Tools
- Specialist Rod Sets
- Tarpaulins
- Clamps
- Detectors and Testers
- Engineering Tools
- Calipers
- Centre and Edge Finding Sets
- Combination, Protractor and Depth Gauges
- Data and Zeus Charts
- De-burring Tools
- Dial Indicators
- Dies
- Dividers - Spring
- Engineers Levels
- Engineers Scrapers
- Engineers Scribers
- Engineers Squares
- Engineers Straight Edges
- Gauges - Feeler
- Gauges - Radius
- Gauges - Screw Pitch
- Gauges - Surface
- Gauges - Telescopic
- Gauges - Wire
- Magnetic Tools
- Micrometers
- Pin Chucks - Vices
- Punches
- Reamers
- Rivet Set (Set and Snap)
- Screw Extractors and Bolt Grips
- Silver Steel
- Taps
- Thread Restoring
- Threaded Inserts
- Toolmakers Clamps
- Trammel Heads
- Files
- Hammers
- Aluminium Hammers
- Ball Pein Hammers
- Blocking Hammers
- Brick and Mortar Hammers
- Claw Hammers
- Club Hammers
- Copper and Hide Hammers
- Deadblow Hammers
- Drywall Hammers
- Geologist Pick Hammers
- Handles and Wedges
- Lath Hammers
- Mallets
- Nylon and Plastic Hammers
- Planishing Hammer
- Roofers and Slaters Hammers
- Rubber \ Soft Hammers
- Scaling Hammers
- Scutch Hammers
- Sledge Hammers
- Split Head Hammers
- Tack, Jewellers and Upholstery Hammers
- Warrington and Joiners Hammers
- Hexagon Keys
- Knives
- Levels - Laser and Electronic Devices
- Levels - Spirit
- Marking Tools
- Brick and Masons Lines
- Carpenters Pencils and Crayons
- Chalk Line Reels
- Chalk Lines
- Chalk Powder
- Combination Squares and Sets
- Cutting Gauges
- Folding and Carpenters Squares
- Line Blocks
- Line Pins
- Markers
- Marking Gauges
- Marking Knives
- Mortice and Combination Gauges
- Plumb Bobs
- Roofing Squares
- Sliding Bevels
- Try and Mitre Squares
- Mechanics Tools
- Box Spanners
- Brake Caliper Brushes
- Car Jacks and Trolleys
- Impact Driver Sets
- Insulated Sockets and Spanners
- Modules and Tool Tray System
- Nut Splitters
- Pick Up Tools and Inspection Mirrors
- Socket Clip Rails Trays and Clips
- Sockets - Sets
- Sockets and Accessories - 1\2in Drive
- Sockets and Accessories - 1\4in Drive
- Sockets and Accessories - 3\4in Drive
- Sockets and Accessories - 3\8in Drive
- Sockets and Accessories - Impact Sockets
- Spanners - Combination Imperial
- Spanners - Combination Metric
- Spanners - Combination Sets
- Spanners - Flared Nut
- Spanners - Flex Head
- Spanners - Open End Imperial
- Spanners - Open End Sets
- Spanners - Open Ended Metric
- Spanners - Podgers
- Spanners - Ratchet Head
- Spanners - Ring Imperial
- Spanners - Ring Metric
- Spark Plug Sockets
- Specialist Mechanics Tools
- Torque Wrenches
- Pliers, Strippers, Snips and Croppers
- Bent Nose Pliers
- Bolt Croppers
- Cable Cutters and Shears
- Circlip Pliers
- Combination Pliers
- Concretors Nippers and Pliers
- Crimping Pliers
- Diagonal and Side Cutting Pliers
- Electronic Cutters and Nipper Pliers
- End Cutting and Carpenters Pincers
- Eyelet Pliers
- Fencing and Twisting Pliers
- Flat Long and Snipe Nose Pliers
- Hog Ring Fencing Pliers
- Insulated Pliers
- Locking Pliers
- Plier Sets
- Revolving Punch Pliers
- Specialist Electricians Tools
- Sprue Cutter
- Tinsnips and Aviation Compound Snips
- VDE Insulated Pliers
- Waterpump, Multi and Slip Joint Pliers
- Wire Strippers
- Plumbing Tools
- Basin Wrenches and Keys
- Drain and Sink Cleaning
- Gas Burners and Accessories
- Gas, Pipe and Drain Installation
- Pipe Benders
- Pipe Cutters
- Plumbing and Heating Consumables
- Plumbing and Heating Tools
- Compression Fitting Spanner
- Olive Removing Tools
- Pipe De-Burrers and Cleaning Brushes
- Pipe Wrenches - Chain
- Pipemaster Irons and Heads
- Plumbers Hole Saws
- Pressure Gauge
- Smoke Testers and Tracing Dyes
- Socket Forming Tools
- Swaging Tool
- Tank Connecting Tools
- Tap Reseaters
- Tap Reseaters - Cutters and Spares
- Roofing and Sheet Metal Tools
- Saws
- All Purpose Saws
- Bowsaws and Blades
- Compass Saws
- Concrete and Masonry Saws
- Coping Saws and Spare Blades
- Dovetail Saws
- Drywall and Plasterboard Saws
- ERGOÌ_åÀ_åÎååÎå£Ì_åÀåÎå¢ Handsaw System
- ERGOï_£ï¢ Handsaw System
- ERGOí¿_£í¿¢ Handsaw System
- Floorboard - Laminate Saws
- Fret - Piercing Saws and Blades
- Hacksaw Blades
- Hacksaws
- Hand Mitre Saws
- Handsaws
- Insulation and Plastic Cutting Saws
- Junior Saws, Mini Hacksaws and Blades
- Mitre Blades
- Padsaws and Blades
- Powersaw Blades
- Pull Saws and Blades
- Tenon Saws
- Toolbox Saws
- Veneer Saws
- Screwdrivers
- Advent Screwdrivers
- Bahco Screwdrivers
- Blue Spot Screwdrivers
- Britool Screwdrivers
- Facom Screwdrivers
- Faithfull Screwdrivers
- ITL Insulated Screwdrivers
- Jewellers and Instrument Screwdrivers
- Mains Testers and Screw Grip
- Non-Ratcheting Screwdrivers
- Nutspinners
- Ratchet Screwdrivers
- Roughneck Screwdrivers
- Stanley Bolster Screwdrivers
- Stanley Cushion Grip Screwdrivers
- Stanley FatMax Insulated Screwdrivers
- Stanley FatMax Screwdrivers
- Stanley Magnum Screwdriver
- Teng Screwdrivers
- Torque Screwdrivers
- Wera Screwdrivers 300 Series
- Wera Screwdrivers Chiseldriver 900 Series
- Wera Screwdrivers Kompakt Sets
- Wera Screwdrivers Kompakt Sets
- Wera Screwdrivers Kraftform Comfort Series
- Wera Screwdrivers Kraftform Plus Stainless Steel
- Wera Screwdrivers VDE
- Wera Screwdrivers VDE Kompakt Sets
- Sharpening Tools
- Tapes and Rules
- Trowels and Floats
- Brick Trowels - Broad Heel
- Brick Trowels - London Pattern
- Brick Trowels - Philadelphia Pattern
- Brick Trowels - Wide London Pattern
- Bucket Trowels
- Cement and Concrete Trowels
- Cement Edgers
- Corner Trowels
- Flooring Trowels
- Gauging Trowels
- Groover Trowels
- Harling Trowels
- Hawks
- Magnesium Float
- Midget and Margin Trowels
- Mixing Boards
- Plasterers and Finishing Trowels
- Plastic Floats
- Pointing Trowels
- Pointing Trowels
- Small Tools
- Sponge and Rubber Floats
- Swimming Pool Trowel
- Tile Setting Trowels
- Tiling, Mastic and Adhesive Trowels
- Trowel Sets
- Window - Tuck Pointers
- Wooden Floats
- Vices
- Woodworking Tools
- Wrenches
- Home, Leisure and Car Care
- Batteries
- Brushes, Brooms and Mops
- Car Maintenance and Valeting Products
- Battery Chargers and Jump Leads
- Brushes, Chamois and Sponges
- Engine Consumables and Fuel Products
- Engine, Oil and Fuel Products
- Exhaust and Radiator Repair
- Glassfibre Resin and Car Body Filler
- Pumps, Tyre Depth and Pressure Gauges
- Screenwash and Antifreeze
- Tow Ropes and Safety Cones
- Tow Ropes and Safety Cones
- Valeting Consumables
- Cleaning and Heating
- Penknives and Leisure Tools
- BBQ's, Camping Stoves and Lanterns
- Bear Grylls Survival Series
- Flasks and Bottles
- Multi-tool Pliers
- Scales
- Swiss Army Knives
- Swiss Army Knives with Locking Blade
- Swiss Army Pen Knife Accessories
- Swiss Army Small Pocket Knives
- Swiss Card
- SwissTools
- Thermometers and Hydrometers
- Thermometers and Hygrometers
- Zip Tools
- Pest Control
- Scissors and Tweezers
- Torches
- Ladders and Other Access Equipment
- Mis, Special and Directs
- Padlocks, Door Locks and Security
- Door Security and Furniture
- Door Bells
- Door Chains, Bolts and Viewers
- Door Closers and Exit Hardware
- Door Handles
- Door Knockers and Numerals
- Door Letterboxes and Plates
- Door Stops
- Mortice Deadlocks - Euro Cylinder
- Mortice Deadlocks 3 Lever
- Mortice Deadlocks 5 Lever
- Mortice Latches
- Mortice Sashlocks - 2 Lever
- Mortice Sashlocks - 3 Lever
- Mortice Sashlocks - 5 Lever
- Mortice Sashlocks - Euro Cylinder
- Mortice Sashlocks - Internal Use
- Multi-Point Locks
- Nightlatches - Front Door Locks
- Rebate Kits
- Replacement Cylinders and Pulls
- Rim Locks
- Lockout \ Tagout Products
- Padlocks and Hasp and Staples
- ABUS Padlocks
- 20 Series Diskus Padlocks
- 23 Series Diskus Padlocks
- 24IB Series Diskus Padlocks
- 26 Series Diskus Padlocks
- 34 Series Hardened Steel Padlock
- 37 Series Granit Padlocks
- 41 Series Laminated Padlocks
- 54TI Titalium Padlocks
- 55 Series Brass Padlocks
- 64TI Titalium Padlocks
- 65 Series Brass Padlocks
- 65 Series Master Keyed Padlocks
- 65CS Series Brass Padlocks Closed Shackle
- 65HB Series Brass Padlocks Long Shackle
- 65IB Series Brass Padlocks Stainless Steel Shackle
- 65MB Series Brass Padlocks Brass Shackle
- 70 Series All Weather Padlocks
- 70AL Series Aluminium Padlocks
- 72 Series Aluminium Padlock
- 80TI Titalium Padlocks
- 82 Series Shutter Padlocks
- 83 Series Padlocks
- 85 Series Brass Padlocks
- 86TI Titalium Padlocks
- 88 Series Brass Padlocks
- 90 Series All Weather Padlocks
- 92 Series Shutter Padlocks
- Combination Padlocks
- Key Blanks
- T65AL Series Alumimium Padlocks
- T84 Series Rustproof Brass Padlocks
- Faithfull Padlocks
- Garage, Van and Trailer Locks
- Hasp and Staples
- Henry Squire Padlocks
- Master Lock Padlocks
- Masterlock Padlocks
- UNION Padlocks
- Yale Padlocks
- Safes and Key Safes
- Security
- Security Chains and Bike Locks
- Window Security and Furniture
- Power Tool Accessories
- Backing Pads and Polishing Accessories
- Angle Grinder Pads
- Backing Pads
- Buffing and Polishing Foams
- DIY Sanding and Polishing Kits
- Dual Action Orbital Sander Pads
- Pads for Stone Finshing
- Polishing Bars
- Polishing Bonnets
- Polishing Consumables
- Sander \ Polisher Pads
- Spanners and Lock Nuts
- Spindle Pads and Abrasives
- Spindle Tapers
- Stitch and Calico Mops
- Blades - Bandsaw and Alligator Blades
- Blades - Circular Saw
- Blades - Jigsaw
- Blades - Sabre Saw
- DeWalt Sabre Blades
- Faithfull Sabre Saw Blades
- Irwin Sabre Saws Blades for Metal
- Irwin Sabre Saws Blades for Wood
- Irwin Specalist Sabre Saws Blades
- Lennox Sabre Saw Blades
- Marcrist Sabre Saw Blades
- Milwaukee Sabre Saw Blades
- Sabre Saw Blades
- Ultra Extreme Sabre Saw Blades
- Ultra Force Sabre Saw Blades
- Ultra Precision Sabre Saw Blades
- Ultra Speed Sabre Saw Blades
- Cable Reels, Site Lights and Transformers
- Discs - Diamond
- Discs - Grinding and Cutting
- Multi-Tool, Biscuit Jointer and Planer Accessories
- Other Power Tool Accessories
- Router Bits
- Countersink (For Routers)
- Dovetail Jigs
- Faithfull Router Bits
- Guides and Collets
- Hinge and Specialists Jigs
- Postform and Kitchen Jigs
- Router Bit Accessories
- Router Bit Sets
- Staircase Lock and Letter Box Jigs
- Trend Router Bits
- Bead Cutters
- Biscuit Jointing Cutters
- Biscuit Jointing Cutters - Craft Pro
- Burrs and Rasps
- Chamfer and V Groove Cutters
- Chamfer and V Groove Cutters - Craft Pro
- Dovetail Cutters
- Hinge Bits
- Ovolo and Round Over Cutters
- Ovolo and Round Over Cutters - Craft Pro
- Panel Moulding Cutters
- Plug Makers
- Radius and Cove Cutters
- Rebate Cutter - Craft Pro
- Rebate Cutters
- Recessors
- Recessors - Craft Pro
- Rota-Tip Cutters
- Single Flute Cutters
- Slot Cutters - Craft Pro
- Spare Bearings
- Trimmer - Profiler Cutters
- Trimmer - Profiler Router Bits Craft Pro
- Two Flute Cutters
- Two Flute Router Cutters - Craft Pro
- Window Industry Tooling Bits
- Sanding Sheets, Belts and Flap Discs
- Screwdriver Insert Bits and Adaptors
- Bits and Holders - Bahco
- Bits and Holders - Blue Spot
- Bits and Holders - Britool
- Bits and Holders - DeWalt, Black and Decker
- Bits and Holders - Faithfull
- Bits and Holders - Irwin
- Bits and Holders - Metabo
- Bits and Holders - Milwaukee
- Bits and Holders - Stanley
- Bits and Holders - Wera
- Bits and Holders - Witte
- Power Tools
- Air Tools
- Angle Grinders and Metalworking Tools
- Batteries and Chargers for Cordless Tools
- Cordless Tool Kits
- Drills - Cordless Drills
- Drills - Rotary
- Drills - SDS and Hammer
- Heat Guns and Blowers
- Inspection Cameras and Locators
- Multi-Function Tools and Engravers
- Nailers and Staple Guns
- Brad Nailers and Pinners (Pneumatic)
- Brad Nailers and Pinners (Pneumatic)
- Coil Nailer and Nails (Pneumatic)
- Compressors (Pneumatic)
- Concrete Block Finish Nailer (Pneumatic)
- Finish Nailers and Nails (Cordless and Gas)
- Finish Nailers and Nails (Pneumatic)
- Flooring Cleat Nailer and Nails
- Nail and Staple Guns (Powered)
- Pneumatic Accessories
- Staplers (Pneumatic)
- Stick Clipped Head Nailer and Nails (Pneumatic)
- Stick Roundhead Nailers and Nails (Pneumatic)
- Wide Crown Stapler (Pneumatic)
- Nailers and Staple Guns (Cordless, Gas,Pneumatic)
- Other Powered Tools
- Planers, Biscuit Jointers and Routers
- Powered Saws
- Pressure Washers and Pumps
- Radios and Lighting Cordless
- Sanders and Polishers
- Screwdrivers, Impact Drivers and Wrenches
- Spray Guns and Powered Rollers
- Vacuums and Dust Extraction
- Workshop Machines
- Workwear, Tool Storage and Safety
- Clothing and Workwear
- Personal Protection Equipment
- Dust Masks - FFP1 Protection
- Dust Masks - FFP2 Protection
- Dust Masks - FFP3 Protection
- Ear Defenders and Earplugs
- Fall Arrest Equipment and Lanyards
- Forestry and Safety Kits
- Gas Welding Goggles and Shields
- Gas, Vapour and Dust Masks
- Masks Non PPE
- Respirators
- Safety Goggles
- Safety Helmets
- Safety Shields
- Safety Spectacles
- Safety Footwear
- Safety Signs, Smoke and Fire Detection
- Fire Blankets and Escape Ladders
- Fire Extinguishers
- First Aid Kits and Eye Wash
- Safety Posters
- Safety, Warning and Barrier Tapes
- Signs Hazard Warning Mini
- Signs Mandatory Large
- Signs: Fire Extinguisher and Equipment
- Signs: Fire Safety and Safe Condition
- Signs: General
- Signs: Hazard Warning Large
- Signs: Mandatory Small
- Signs: Mini
- Signs: No Smoking and Prohibition
- Smoke and Carbon Detectors
- Stencils
- Tool Holders, Pouches and Belts
- Toolboxes and Tool Storage
- Trucks and Trolleys
- Workbenches, Workmates and Trestles
Wera XMS18VDESET VDE Screwdriver Set with Grippers (WERTBK160I7)
Wera XMS18VDESET VDE Screwdriver Set with Grippers (WERTBK160I7)
Product Description
The Wera 160 i/7 Series Insulated Screwdrivers are tested individually for dielectric strength under a load of 10,000V so as to ensure safe working with loads up to 1,000V. They have a premium Lasertip, which has a laser roughened surface that literally bites into the screwhead, reducing cam-out and eliminating the need for two-handed screwdriving.
They have a significantly extended service life due to bit-grade steel used in all Wera screwdrivers and have the patented Kraftform handle which is ergonomic, multi-component and which uniquely fits to the shape of the hand during screwdriver use, reducing fatigue and increasing speed. Smooth, soft zones offer improved grip, hard zones allow easy hand repositioning.
4 x Slotted Screwdrivers: 2.5 x 80mm, 3.5 x 100mm, 4 x 100mm, 5.5 x 125mm
2 x Phillips Screwdrivers: PH1 x 80mm, PH2 x 100mm
2 x Screw Grippers
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