- Abrasives, Fillers, Sealants and Lubricants
- Abrasives
- Sand Paper - Aluminium Oxide Cloth
- Sand Paper - Aluminium Oxide Paper
- Sand Paper - Emery Cloth
- Sand Paper - Floor Sanding
- Sand Paper - Glasspaper
- Sand Paper - Silicon Carbide Finishing
- Sand Paper - Wet and Dry
- Sand Paper Rolls
- Sanding Cloth Coils
- Sanding Pads, Blocks and Sponges
- Steel and Wire Wool
- Valve Grinding Paste
- Fillers
- Hand, Workshop Cleaners and Wipes
- Lubricants
- Sealants
- Automotive Tools
- Air Power Tools
- Bodyshop
- Air Accessory Kits
- Body and Trim
- Body Repair
- Cabinets
- Caulking Guns
- Coating
- Drying
- Dust-Free Vacuums
- HVLP Spray Guns
- Mini Air Brushes
- Paint Can Crusher
- Panel Tools
- Paraffin Spray Guns
- Preparation
- Refinishing Spray Guns
- Riveters
- Sealant Guns
- Spray Gun Accessories
- Spray Gun Cleaning Tanks
- Vehicle Manoeuvring
- Compressors
- Construction and Craft
- Chisel Mortiser
- Clamping
- Cutters and Shears
- Detectors
- Dust Extraction
- Hand Tools
- Heating Tools
- Hole Saws
- Knives and Multi-Tools
- Lathes
- Measuring
- Pipe Tools
- Planer and Thicknessers
- Pliers
- Power Saws
- Profile Gauges
- Roller Stands
- Sanders
- Screwdrivers
- Soldering and Heating
- Staplers and Nailers
- Tiling Tools
- Trestles
- Vices
- Voltage Testers
- Workbenches
- Consumables
- Abrasive Hand Pads
- Abrasive Papers
- Air Hammer Chisels
- Arc Welding
- Backing Pads
- Ball Joint Covers
- Blades
- Bonded Seals
- Brakes
- Buffing and Polishing
- Buffing Wheels
- Chemicals
- Circlips
- Clevis Pins
- Compound and Polish
- Cutting Discs
- CVJ Boots
- Detergents
- Drill Bits and Sets
- Individual - Fully Ground
- Individual - Fully Ground Cobalt
- Individual - Roll Forged
- Individual - Spot Weld Boron
- Individual - Spot Weld Cobalt
- Individual - Step Drill
- Sets - Assorted
- Sets - Double End
- Sets - Fully Ground
- Sets - Fully Ground Cobalt
- Sets - Left Hand
- Sets - Masonry
- Sets - Roll Forged
- Sets - Spot Weld
- Sets - Step Drill
- Sets - Wood
- Dry Stone Wheels
- E-Clips
- Electrical
- Battery Clamps
- Battery Terminal - Posts
- Battery Terminals Anti-Theft
- Battery Terminals Heavy-Duty
- Battery Terminals Light-Duty
- Battery Terminals Medium-Duty
- Blade Fuse - Assortment
- Blade Fuse - MAXI
- Blade Fuse - MINI
- Blade Fuse - Standard
- Cable - Flat Twin
- Cable - Multi Core
- Cable - Single
- Cable - Twin
- Cable Sleeving
- Cable Tie Mounts
- Cable Ties
- Copper Lug Terminals
- Crimp Terminals - Asstd Colours
- Crimp Terminals - Blue
- Crimp Terminals - Red
- Crimp Terminals - Yellow
- Crimp Terminals Heat Shrink - Asstd Colours
- Crimp Terminals Heat Shrink - Blue
- Crimp Terminals Heat Shrink - Red
- Crimp Terminals Heat Shrink - Yellow
- Crocodile Clips
- Fuse Accessories
- Heat Shrink Tubing - Asstd Colours
- Heat Shrink Tubing - Black
- Heat Shrink Tubing - Black and Red
- Heat Shrink Tubing - Red
- LED Bulbs
- P-Clips Rubber
- Plugs and Sockets
- Silicone Tape
- Solder Terminals Heat Shrink
- Starter Cable
- Wire T-Taps
- Emery Papers
- Exhaust Mounts
- Flap Discs
- Flap Wheels
- Fuel Filters
- Glues, Adhesives and Sealants
- Grease Fittings
- Grease Nipples
- Grinding Discs
- Grinding Stones
- Hose Clips
- Janitorial
- Linch Pins
- Maintenance
- MIG Welding
- Multi-Tool Consumables
- Needle Scaler Consumables
- Nuts and Bolts
- O-Rings
- Oils and Lubricants
- Oxyacetylene Welding
- Paint
- Paint Brushes
- Parts Cleaning
- Personal Hygiene
- Plastic Welding Rods
- Polycarbide Wheels
- Preparation Pads
- R-Clips
- Rivets
- Roll Pins
- Rope
- Rotary Burrs
- Sanding Belts
- Sanding Discs
- Sanding Sleeves
- Saw Blades
- Screws and Fixings
- Shot Blasting
- Solder
- Speedfit Pneumatic System
- Split Pins
- Spot and Stud Welding
- Spray Gun Filters
- Staples, Nails and Hoops
- Steel Wool
- Stripe Removal Pads
- Tapes
- Threaded Inserts
- Tools and Accessories
- Trim Clips
- Washers
- Wet Stone Wheels
- Wire Brushes
- Wire Wheels
- Electric Power Tools
- Garage and Workshop
- Heating and Cooling
- Jacking, Lifting and Towing
- Air Jacks
- Axle Stands
- Bottle Jacks
- Cranes
- Creepers and Seats
- Engine Stands and Supports
- Forklift, Farm and Tractor Jacks
- Jacking Beams
- Lighting Brackets
- Load Handling
- Ramps and Chocks
- Rotating Amber Beacons
- Scissor Jacks
- Tie Downs
- Tow Poles and Ropes
- Towing Accessories
- Trailer Boards
- Transmission Jacks - Floor
- Transmission Jacks - Vertical
- Trolley Jacks
- Vehicle Lifts
- Vehicle Support Stands
- Wheel Removal Trolleys
- Winches
- Work Lights
- Janitorial, Garden and Leisure
- Bungee Cords and Cargo Nets
- Cigarette and Litter Bins
- Cleaning Aids
- Garden Tools
- Grit Boxes
- Janitorial
- Ladders
- Leisure
- Log Splitters
- Miscellaneous
- Pressure Washers
- Safety Barriers
- Tarpaulins
- Vacuum Cleaners
- Valeting Machines
- Vehicle Accessories
- Vehicle Clamps and Barriers
- Vehicle Covers
- Vehicle Manoeuvring
- Water Hoses
- Water Pumps
- Workshop Matting
- Lighting and Power
- Automotive Bulb Inspection Lamps
- Cable Reels
- Extension Leads and Plugs
- Floodlights
- Fluorescent Inspection Lamps
- Fluorescent Workshop Lights
- Generators
- Head Torches
- Lanterns
- Lead Lamps
- LED Inspection Lamps
- Mobile Power Systems
- Power Inverters
- Retracting Cable Reels
- Spotlights
- Torches
- Transformers
- Under Bonnet Lamps
- Work Lights
- Lubrication
- Machine Shop
- Material Handling
- Motorcycle and Bicycle Tools
- Premier Hand Tools
- Adjustable Wrenches
- Bit Sets
- Bolt Croppers and Cutters
- Breaker Bars
- Cutters and Shears
- Extension Bars
- Extractors
- Files
- Hammers
- Impact Extension Bars
- Impact Socket Accessories
- Impact Socket Sets
- Impact Sockets Individual
- Key Sets
- Knives and Multi-Tools
- Nut Drivers
- Pick-Up and Inspection
- Pliers
- Prybars and Heelbars
- Punches and Chisels
- Ratchet Wrenches
- Saws
- Scrapers and Hooks
- Screwdrivers
- Socket Accessories
- Socket and Bit Sets
- Socket Sets
- Sockets Individual
- Spanners
- Specialised Bits and Sockets
- Tool Storage
- Tool Trays
- Torque Wrenches
- Safety Products
- Siegen Hand Tools
- Adjustable Wrenches
- Bit Sets
- Bolt Croppers and Cutters
- Extension Bars
- Files
- Hammers
- Key Sets
- Knives and Multi-Tools
- Measuring
- Pick-Up and Inspection
- Pliers
- Prybars and Heelbars
- Punches and Chisels
- Ratchet Wrenches
- Riveters
- Saws
- Scrapers and Hooks
- Screwdrivers
- Socket and Bit Sets
- Socket Sets
- Sockets Individual
- Spanners
- Specialised Bits and Sockets
- Spirit Levels
- Stripping and Crimping
- Thread Cutting
- Tool Kits
- Tool Storage
- Tool Trays
- Torque Wrenches
- Tyre and Wheel Maintenance
- Storage and Workstations
- Vehicle Service
- Body and Trim
- Braking
- Cooling System
- Electrics
- Engine
- Borescopes
- Compression Test - Diesel
- Compression Test - Petrol
- Cylinder Head Tools
- Decarbonising and Cleaning
- Diagnostic Tools
- Feeler and Angle Gauges
- Fuel and Air Con Tools
- Fuel Pressure Test
- General Tools
- Glow Plug Tools
- Injector Tools
- Oil Drain Plug Tools
- Oil Filter Removal
- Oil Pressure Test
- Piston and Bore Tools
- Pyrometers
- Sensor Tools
- Spark Plug Tools
- Thread Restorers
- Timing Lights
- Engine Stands and Supports
- Exhaust Tools
- General Workshop Tools
- MOT Equipment
- Setting and Locking Tools
- Steering, Hub and Suspension
- Alignment Gauges and Tools
- Ball Joint Removal
- Bearing Tools
- Bush Removal
- Coil Spring Compressors
- CVJ Tools
- Seal and Hub Tools
- Shock Absorber Tools
- Specialised Sockets
- Steering Tools
- Suspension Tools
- Thread Restorers
- Tread Depth Gauges
- Tyre Fitting Equipment
- Tyre Inflators
- Tyre Pressure Gauges
- Tyre Valve Tools
- Transmission
- Welding and Cutting
- Promotion
- Adhesives, Fixings and Hardware
- Adhesives and Tapes
- Adhesive Cleaners
- Anti-Slip Tape
- Araldite and Epoxy Adhesives
- Blu Tack
- Contact Adhesives
- Copydex Adhesives
- Coving Adhesive
- Double Sided and Carpet Tapes
- Flooring Adhesives
- Gaffer and Builders Tapes
- General Purpose Adhesives
- Glass and Mirror Adhesives
- Glue Guns
- Glue Sticks
- Grab and Nail Free Adhesives
- Industrial Cyanoacrylate Adhesvies
- Industrial Gasketing
- Industrial Retaining Adhesives
- Industrial Structural Adhesives
- Packing Tape
- Plastic and Leather Adhesives
- PVA Adhesives
- Sellotape
- Spray Adhesives
- Superglue
- Superglue Removers
- Threadlocking
- Velcro Brand
- Waterproof Tape
- Wood Adhesives
- Bolts and Nuts
- Building Consumables
- Chains, Ropes and Tie-Downs
- Electrical Fittings and Lightbulbs
- Adaptors UREA
- Blanking Plugs
- Electricians Insulation Tape
- Energy Saving Halogen Tubes and Capsules
- Energy Saving Lightbulbs
- Fused Spurs and DP Switches
- Junction Boxes
- Light Switches
- Night Lights
- Outdoor Weather Ready Fittings
- Pendant and Lamp Holders
- Shaver Unit
- Sockets Switched and Unswitched
- Surface - Partition and Back Boxes
- Terminal Connectors and Fuses
- Timers
- Travel Adaptors
- Fixings
- Aercrete Fixings
- Band Fixings
- Cable Clips
- Cable Ties
- Cavity Wall Fixings
- Chemical Fixings
- Drop in Fixings
- Frame and Window Fixings
- Hammer In Fixings
- Hook and Eye Masonry Fixings
- Household Fixings
- Jubilee Clips and Hose Clips
- Lightning Bolts
- Masonry Fixings
- Pipe Clip Fixings
- Plasterboard Fixings
- Plastic and Nylon Wall Plugs
- Resin Chemical Anchor Studs
- Rigid and Modesty Blocks
- Sanitary Fixings
- Sleeve Anchor Fixings
- Through Bolts
- Tool Clips
- Universal Fixing Plug
- Wire Hangers
- Worktop Clamps
- General Hardware
- Hand Tackers and Staplers
- Nails
- Annular Ring Nails
- Cartridge Nails
- Cladding Nails and Pins
- Clout Nails
- Cut Clasp Nails
- Felt Nails
- Lost Head Nails
- Masonry Nails
- Mickey Pin Nails
- Nail Gun Cartridges
- Netting Staples
- Oval Head Nails
- Panel Pins
- Picture Fixings
- Plasterboard Nails
- Round Head Nails
- Spring Head Nails
- Twist Nail Nails
- Veneer Pins
- Riveting and Soldering
- Screws
- Baypole Screws
- Carcass Screws
- Clothes Hook Screws
- Coach Screws
- Cover Caps
- Decking Screws
- Drywall Screws
- General Purpose Screws
- Machine Screws
- Mirror Screws
- Multi-Purpose Screws
- Roofing Screws
- Satellite Fixing Kit
- Screw Cup
- Screw Eyes
- Screw Hooks
- Security Screws
- Self-Tapping Screws
- Socket Screws
- Tamper Proof Screws
- Timber Fixing Screws
- Vine Eyes
- Wood Screws
- Cameras, Lighting and Door Entry
- Decorating and Wood Care
- Decorating - Painting Tools
- Decorating - Preparation
- Buckets
- Decorating Sundries
- Draught Excluders
- Dust Sheets and Dust Covers
- Dusting Brushes
- Knives - Chisel
- Knives - Filling
- Knives - Putty
- Masking Tape
- Knives - Stripping
- Multitools
- Paint Strippers and Graffiti Removers
- Paint, Floor and Wall Scrapers
- Sanding Sealers
- Shave Hooks
- Tack Cloths
- uPVC Cleaners and Paint
- Window and Glass Scrapers
- Glasscutters and Glass Lifter
- Paints and Spray Paints
- Stains, Preservers and Treatments
- Tiling Tools and Tile Adhesives
- Grouting Tools
- Laminate Cutters
- Profile Gauges
- Silicon Removers and Spreaders
- Tile and Grout Adhesives
- Tile Cutters - Flat Bed
- Tile Cutters - Hand
- Tile Cutters - Powered
- Tile Files
- Tile Jigsaw Blades
- Tile Kits
- Tile Marking Pencils
- Tile Plastic Trim Cutter
- Tile Saws
- Tile Scorers
- Tile Spacers
- Tile Trims and Bath Seals
- Tile Wash and Clean Up Kits
- Wet Room Tanking
- Wallpapering Tools and Consumables
- Wax, Varnish, Polish, Oil and Dyes
- Wire \ Scratch Brushes
- Drill Bits and Holesaws
- Countersinks, Plug Cutters and Screw Diggers
- Drill Bits - Glass, Tile, Core and Diamond
- Drill Bits - Masonry and SDS
- Drill Bits - Metal
- A101 HSS Left Hand Spiral Jobber Drill
- A108 Quick Spiral for Stainless Steel
- A110 Long Series Drills
- A120 HSS Stub Drills
- A125 Extra Length Drills
- A130 Morse Taper Shank Drills
- A170 Parallel Shank Drills
- A200 and A225 Centre Drills - HSS
- Blacksmith Drills
- CONECUT Sheet and Tube Drills
- HSS Jobber, Twist Drills for Metal
- Step Drills and Bradrads
- Taper Drills
- TiN Coated and Cobalt Jobber Drills
- TiN Coated and Cobalt Jobber Drills
- Drill Bits - Wood
- Holesaws
- Mixed Bit Sets
- Garden Tools
- Axes and Splitting Wedges
- Digging and Cultivating
- Garden Machinery
- Lawn and Hedge Care
- Pruning
- Spares, Maintenance and Sharpening Tools
- Chainsaw and Garden Safety
- Cylinder Mower and Chain Sharpeners
- Drive Belts - Flymo
- Drive belts - Qualcast
- Greenhouse Parts
- Metal Blades - Flymo
- Metal Blades - Others
- Metal Blades - Spacers
- Petrol Engine and Other Spares
- Plastic Blades - B and D, Flymo
- Plastic Blades - Bosch
- Plastic Blades - Flymo
- Plastic Blades - Other Brands
- Plastic Blades - Qualcast
- Replacement Chains
- Spool and Lines - Black and Decker
- Spool and Lines - Bosch and Qualcast
- Spool and Lines - Flymo
- Spool and Lines - Other Brands
- Spool and Lines - Ryobi
- Trimmer Line
- Watering Products
- Weedkiller, Feed, Seed and Propagators
- Hand Tools
- Builders Tools
- Bolsters, Cold Chisels and Scutch Chisels
- Brick Hods
- Brick Jointers and Rakers
- Crow, Pry and Wrecking Bars
- Darbies
- Door and Board Lifters
- Feather Edges and Screeding Levels
- Floor and Wall Scrapers
- Forks
- Gas Torch Kits and Accessories
- Groundwork Tools
- Mixing Paddles
- Mortar Rakes
- Muck Buckets and Builders Tubs
- Plasterers and Dry Lining Tools
- Pointing and Grouting Guns
- Roofers and Slaters Tools
- Scaffold Spanners
- Shovels
- All Steel Digging Spade
- All Steel Square Shovels
- All Steel Taper Shovels
- Cable Laying Shovels
- Coal and Snow Shovels
- Draining Shovels
- Grafting Shovels
- Insulated Shovels
- Irish Shovels
- Micro Shovels
- Open Socket Shovels Round T Handle
- Open Socket Shovels Square D Handle
- Open Socket Shovels Square Long Handle
- Open Socket Shovels Square T Handle
- Replacement Shovel Handles
- Solid Socket Shovels Round D Handle
- Solid Socket Shovels Round T Handle
- Solid Socket Shovels Square D Handle
- Solid Socket Shovels Square T Handle
- Solid Socket Shovels Taper D Handle
- Solid Socket Shovels Taper T Handle
- Trenching Shovels
- West Country Shovels
- Specialist Builders Tools
- Specialist Flooring Tools
- Specialist Rod Sets
- Tarpaulins
- Clamps
- Detectors and Testers
- Engineering Tools
- Calipers
- Centre and Edge Finding Sets
- Combination, Protractor and Depth Gauges
- Data and Zeus Charts
- De-burring Tools
- Dial Indicators
- Dies
- Dividers - Spring
- Engineers Levels
- Engineers Scrapers
- Engineers Scribers
- Engineers Squares
- Engineers Straight Edges
- Gauges - Feeler
- Gauges - Radius
- Gauges - Screw Pitch
- Gauges - Surface
- Gauges - Telescopic
- Gauges - Wire
- Magnetic Tools
- Micrometers
- Pin Chucks - Vices
- Punches
- Reamers
- Rivet Set (Set and Snap)
- Screw Extractors and Bolt Grips
- Silver Steel
- Taps
- Thread Restoring
- Threaded Inserts
- Toolmakers Clamps
- Trammel Heads
- Files
- Hammers
- Aluminium Hammers
- Ball Pein Hammers
- Blocking Hammers
- Brick and Mortar Hammers
- Claw Hammers
- Club Hammers
- Copper and Hide Hammers
- Deadblow Hammers
- Drywall Hammers
- Geologist Pick Hammers
- Handles and Wedges
- Lath Hammers
- Mallets
- Nylon and Plastic Hammers
- Planishing Hammer
- Roofers and Slaters Hammers
- Rubber \ Soft Hammers
- Scaling Hammers
- Scutch Hammers
- Sledge Hammers
- Split Head Hammers
- Tack, Jewellers and Upholstery Hammers
- Warrington and Joiners Hammers
- Hexagon Keys
- Knives
- Levels - Laser and Electronic Devices
- Levels - Spirit
- Marking Tools
- Brick and Masons Lines
- Carpenters Pencils and Crayons
- Chalk Line Reels
- Chalk Lines
- Chalk Powder
- Combination Squares and Sets
- Cutting Gauges
- Folding and Carpenters Squares
- Line Blocks
- Line Pins
- Markers
- Marking Gauges
- Marking Knives
- Mortice and Combination Gauges
- Plumb Bobs
- Roofing Squares
- Sliding Bevels
- Try and Mitre Squares
- Mechanics Tools
- Box Spanners
- Brake Caliper Brushes
- Car Jacks and Trolleys
- Impact Driver Sets
- Insulated Sockets and Spanners
- Modules and Tool Tray System
- Nut Splitters
- Pick Up Tools and Inspection Mirrors
- Socket Clip Rails Trays and Clips
- Sockets - Sets
- Sockets and Accessories - 1\2in Drive
- Sockets and Accessories - 1\4in Drive
- Sockets and Accessories - 3\4in Drive
- Sockets and Accessories - 3\8in Drive
- Sockets and Accessories - Impact Sockets
- Spanners - Combination Imperial
- Spanners - Combination Metric
- Spanners - Combination Sets
- Spanners - Flared Nut
- Spanners - Flex Head
- Spanners - Open End Imperial
- Spanners - Open End Sets
- Spanners - Open Ended Metric
- Spanners - Podgers
- Spanners - Ratchet Head
- Spanners - Ring Imperial
- Spanners - Ring Metric
- Spark Plug Sockets
- Specialist Mechanics Tools
- Torque Wrenches
- Pliers, Strippers, Snips and Croppers
- Bent Nose Pliers
- Bolt Croppers
- Cable Cutters and Shears
- Circlip Pliers
- Combination Pliers
- Concretors Nippers and Pliers
- Crimping Pliers
- Diagonal and Side Cutting Pliers
- Electronic Cutters and Nipper Pliers
- End Cutting and Carpenters Pincers
- Eyelet Pliers
- Fencing and Twisting Pliers
- Flat Long and Snipe Nose Pliers
- Hog Ring Fencing Pliers
- Insulated Pliers
- Locking Pliers
- Plier Sets
- Revolving Punch Pliers
- Specialist Electricians Tools
- Sprue Cutter
- Tinsnips and Aviation Compound Snips
- VDE Insulated Pliers
- Waterpump, Multi and Slip Joint Pliers
- Wire Strippers
- Plumbing Tools
- Basin Wrenches and Keys
- Drain and Sink Cleaning
- Gas Burners and Accessories
- Gas, Pipe and Drain Installation
- Pipe Benders
- Pipe Cutters
- Plumbing and Heating Consumables
- Plumbing and Heating Tools
- Compression Fitting Spanner
- Olive Removing Tools
- Pipe De-Burrers and Cleaning Brushes
- Pipe Wrenches - Chain
- Pipemaster Irons and Heads
- Plumbers Hole Saws
- Pressure Gauge
- Smoke Testers and Tracing Dyes
- Socket Forming Tools
- Swaging Tool
- Tank Connecting Tools
- Tap Reseaters
- Tap Reseaters - Cutters and Spares
- Roofing and Sheet Metal Tools
- Saws
- All Purpose Saws
- Bowsaws and Blades
- Compass Saws
- Concrete and Masonry Saws
- Coping Saws and Spare Blades
- Dovetail Saws
- Drywall and Plasterboard Saws
- ERGOÌ_åÀ_åÎååÎå£Ì_åÀåÎå¢ Handsaw System
- ERGOï_£ï¢ Handsaw System
- ERGOí¿_£í¿¢ Handsaw System
- Floorboard - Laminate Saws
- Fret - Piercing Saws and Blades
- Hacksaw Blades
- Hacksaws
- Hand Mitre Saws
- Handsaws
- Insulation and Plastic Cutting Saws
- Junior Saws, Mini Hacksaws and Blades
- Mitre Blades
- Padsaws and Blades
- Powersaw Blades
- Pull Saws and Blades
- Tenon Saws
- Toolbox Saws
- Veneer Saws
- Screwdrivers
- Advent Screwdrivers
- Bahco Screwdrivers
- Blue Spot Screwdrivers
- Britool Screwdrivers
- Facom Screwdrivers
- Faithfull Screwdrivers
- ITL Insulated Screwdrivers
- Jewellers and Instrument Screwdrivers
- Mains Testers and Screw Grip
- Non-Ratcheting Screwdrivers
- Nutspinners
- Ratchet Screwdrivers
- Roughneck Screwdrivers
- Stanley Bolster Screwdrivers
- Stanley Cushion Grip Screwdrivers
- Stanley FatMax Insulated Screwdrivers
- Stanley FatMax Screwdrivers
- Stanley Magnum Screwdriver
- Teng Screwdrivers
- Torque Screwdrivers
- Wera Screwdrivers 300 Series
- Wera Screwdrivers Chiseldriver 900 Series
- Wera Screwdrivers Kompakt Sets
- Wera Screwdrivers Kompakt Sets
- Wera Screwdrivers Kraftform Comfort Series
- Wera Screwdrivers Kraftform Plus Stainless Steel
- Wera Screwdrivers VDE
- Wera Screwdrivers VDE Kompakt Sets
- Sharpening Tools
- Tapes and Rules
- Trowels and Floats
- Brick Trowels - Broad Heel
- Brick Trowels - London Pattern
- Brick Trowels - Philadelphia Pattern
- Brick Trowels - Wide London Pattern
- Bucket Trowels
- Cement and Concrete Trowels
- Cement Edgers
- Corner Trowels
- Flooring Trowels
- Gauging Trowels
- Groover Trowels
- Harling Trowels
- Hawks
- Magnesium Float
- Midget and Margin Trowels
- Mixing Boards
- Plasterers and Finishing Trowels
- Plastic Floats
- Pointing Trowels
- Pointing Trowels
- Small Tools
- Sponge and Rubber Floats
- Swimming Pool Trowel
- Tile Setting Trowels
- Tiling, Mastic and Adhesive Trowels
- Trowel Sets
- Window - Tuck Pointers
- Wooden Floats
- Vices
- Woodworking Tools
- Wrenches
- Home, Leisure and Car Care
- Batteries
- Brushes, Brooms and Mops
- Car Maintenance and Valeting Products
- Battery Chargers and Jump Leads
- Brushes, Chamois and Sponges
- Engine Consumables and Fuel Products
- Engine, Oil and Fuel Products
- Exhaust and Radiator Repair
- Glassfibre Resin and Car Body Filler
- Pumps, Tyre Depth and Pressure Gauges
- Screenwash and Antifreeze
- Tow Ropes and Safety Cones
- Tow Ropes and Safety Cones
- Valeting Consumables
- Cleaning and Heating
- Penknives and Leisure Tools
- BBQ's, Camping Stoves and Lanterns
- Bear Grylls Survival Series
- Flasks and Bottles
- Multi-tool Pliers
- Scales
- Swiss Army Knives
- Swiss Army Knives with Locking Blade
- Swiss Army Pen Knife Accessories
- Swiss Army Small Pocket Knives
- Swiss Card
- SwissTools
- Thermometers and Hydrometers
- Thermometers and Hygrometers
- Zip Tools
- Pest Control
- Scissors and Tweezers
- Torches
- Ladders and Other Access Equipment
- Mis, Special and Directs
- Padlocks, Door Locks and Security
- Door Security and Furniture
- Door Bells
- Door Chains, Bolts and Viewers
- Door Closers and Exit Hardware
- Door Handles
- Door Knockers and Numerals
- Door Letterboxes and Plates
- Door Stops
- Mortice Deadlocks - Euro Cylinder
- Mortice Deadlocks 3 Lever
- Mortice Deadlocks 5 Lever
- Mortice Latches
- Mortice Sashlocks - 2 Lever
- Mortice Sashlocks - 3 Lever
- Mortice Sashlocks - 5 Lever
- Mortice Sashlocks - Euro Cylinder
- Mortice Sashlocks - Internal Use
- Multi-Point Locks
- Nightlatches - Front Door Locks
- Rebate Kits
- Replacement Cylinders and Pulls
- Rim Locks
- Lockout \ Tagout Products
- Padlocks and Hasp and Staples
- ABUS Padlocks
- 20 Series Diskus Padlocks
- 23 Series Diskus Padlocks
- 24IB Series Diskus Padlocks
- 26 Series Diskus Padlocks
- 34 Series Hardened Steel Padlock
- 37 Series Granit Padlocks
- 41 Series Laminated Padlocks
- 54TI Titalium Padlocks
- 55 Series Brass Padlocks
- 64TI Titalium Padlocks
- 65 Series Brass Padlocks
- 65 Series Master Keyed Padlocks
- 65CS Series Brass Padlocks Closed Shackle
- 65HB Series Brass Padlocks Long Shackle
- 65IB Series Brass Padlocks Stainless Steel Shackle
- 65MB Series Brass Padlocks Brass Shackle
- 70 Series All Weather Padlocks
- 70AL Series Aluminium Padlocks
- 72 Series Aluminium Padlock
- 80TI Titalium Padlocks
- 82 Series Shutter Padlocks
- 83 Series Padlocks
- 85 Series Brass Padlocks
- 86TI Titalium Padlocks
- 88 Series Brass Padlocks
- 90 Series All Weather Padlocks
- 92 Series Shutter Padlocks
- Combination Padlocks
- Key Blanks
- T65AL Series Alumimium Padlocks
- T84 Series Rustproof Brass Padlocks
- Faithfull Padlocks
- Garage, Van and Trailer Locks
- Hasp and Staples
- Henry Squire Padlocks
- Master Lock Padlocks
- Masterlock Padlocks
- UNION Padlocks
- Yale Padlocks
- Safes and Key Safes
- Security
- Security Chains and Bike Locks
- Window Security and Furniture
- Power Tool Accessories
- Backing Pads and Polishing Accessories
- Angle Grinder Pads
- Backing Pads
- Buffing and Polishing Foams
- DIY Sanding and Polishing Kits
- Dual Action Orbital Sander Pads
- Pads for Stone Finshing
- Polishing Bars
- Polishing Bonnets
- Polishing Consumables
- Sander \ Polisher Pads
- Spanners and Lock Nuts
- Spindle Pads and Abrasives
- Spindle Tapers
- Stitch and Calico Mops
- Blades - Bandsaw and Alligator Blades
- Blades - Circular Saw
- Blades - Jigsaw
- Blades - Sabre Saw
- DeWalt Sabre Blades
- Faithfull Sabre Saw Blades
- Irwin Sabre Saws Blades for Metal
- Irwin Sabre Saws Blades for Wood
- Irwin Specalist Sabre Saws Blades
- Lennox Sabre Saw Blades
- Marcrist Sabre Saw Blades
- Milwaukee Sabre Saw Blades
- Sabre Saw Blades
- Ultra Extreme Sabre Saw Blades
- Ultra Force Sabre Saw Blades
- Ultra Precision Sabre Saw Blades
- Ultra Speed Sabre Saw Blades
- Cable Reels, Site Lights and Transformers
- Discs - Diamond
- Discs - Grinding and Cutting
- Multi-Tool, Biscuit Jointer and Planer Accessories
- Other Power Tool Accessories
- Router Bits
- Countersink (For Routers)
- Dovetail Jigs
- Faithfull Router Bits
- Guides and Collets
- Hinge and Specialists Jigs
- Postform and Kitchen Jigs
- Router Bit Accessories
- Router Bit Sets
- Staircase Lock and Letter Box Jigs
- Trend Router Bits
- Bead Cutters
- Biscuit Jointing Cutters
- Biscuit Jointing Cutters - Craft Pro
- Burrs and Rasps
- Chamfer and V Groove Cutters
- Chamfer and V Groove Cutters - Craft Pro
- Dovetail Cutters
- Hinge Bits
- Ovolo and Round Over Cutters
- Ovolo and Round Over Cutters - Craft Pro
- Panel Moulding Cutters
- Plug Makers
- Radius and Cove Cutters
- Rebate Cutter - Craft Pro
- Rebate Cutters
- Recessors
- Recessors - Craft Pro
- Rota-Tip Cutters
- Single Flute Cutters
- Slot Cutters - Craft Pro
- Spare Bearings
- Trimmer - Profiler Cutters
- Trimmer - Profiler Router Bits Craft Pro
- Two Flute Cutters
- Two Flute Router Cutters - Craft Pro
- Window Industry Tooling Bits
- Sanding Sheets, Belts and Flap Discs
- Screwdriver Insert Bits and Adaptors
- Bits and Holders - Bahco
- Bits and Holders - Blue Spot
- Bits and Holders - Britool
- Bits and Holders - DeWalt, Black and Decker
- Bits and Holders - Faithfull
- Bits and Holders - Irwin
- Bits and Holders - Metabo
- Bits and Holders - Milwaukee
- Bits and Holders - Stanley
- Bits and Holders - Wera
- Bits and Holders - Witte
- Power Tools
- Air Tools
- Angle Grinders and Metalworking Tools
- Batteries and Chargers for Cordless Tools
- Cordless Tool Kits
- Drills - Cordless Drills
- Drills - Rotary
- Drills - SDS and Hammer
- Heat Guns and Blowers
- Inspection Cameras and Locators
- Multi-Function Tools and Engravers
- Nailers and Staple Guns
- Brad Nailers and Pinners (Pneumatic)
- Brad Nailers and Pinners (Pneumatic)
- Coil Nailer and Nails (Pneumatic)
- Compressors (Pneumatic)
- Concrete Block Finish Nailer (Pneumatic)
- Finish Nailers and Nails (Cordless and Gas)
- Finish Nailers and Nails (Pneumatic)
- Flooring Cleat Nailer and Nails
- Nail and Staple Guns (Powered)
- Pneumatic Accessories
- Staplers (Pneumatic)
- Stick Clipped Head Nailer and Nails (Pneumatic)
- Stick Roundhead Nailers and Nails (Pneumatic)
- Wide Crown Stapler (Pneumatic)
- Nailers and Staple Guns (Cordless, Gas,Pneumatic)
- Other Powered Tools
- Planers, Biscuit Jointers and Routers
- Powered Saws
- Pressure Washers and Pumps
- Radios and Lighting Cordless
- Sanders and Polishers
- Screwdrivers, Impact Drivers and Wrenches
- Spray Guns and Powered Rollers
- Vacuums and Dust Extraction
- Workshop Machines
- Workwear, Tool Storage and Safety
- Clothing and Workwear
- Personal Protection Equipment
- Dust Masks - FFP1 Protection
- Dust Masks - FFP2 Protection
- Dust Masks - FFP3 Protection
- Ear Defenders and Earplugs
- Fall Arrest Equipment and Lanyards
- Forestry and Safety Kits
- Gas Welding Goggles and Shields
- Gas, Vapour and Dust Masks
- Masks Non PPE
- Respirators
- Safety Goggles
- Safety Helmets
- Safety Shields
- Safety Spectacles
- Safety Footwear
- Safety Signs, Smoke and Fire Detection
- Fire Blankets and Escape Ladders
- Fire Extinguishers
- First Aid Kits and Eye Wash
- Safety Posters
- Safety, Warning and Barrier Tapes
- Signs Hazard Warning Mini
- Signs Mandatory Large
- Signs: Fire Extinguisher and Equipment
- Signs: Fire Safety and Safe Condition
- Signs: General
- Signs: Hazard Warning Large
- Signs: Mandatory Small
- Signs: Mini
- Signs: No Smoking and Prohibition
- Smoke and Carbon Detectors
- Stencils
- Tool Holders, Pouches and Belts
- Toolboxes and Tool Storage
- Trucks and Trolleys
- Workbenches, Workmates and Trestles
- Home
- Padlocks, Door Locks and Security
- Padlocks and Hasp and Staples
- Hasp and Staples
- ABUS Mechanical ABU110155SC - 110/155 Hasp & Staple Carded
ABUS Mechanical ABU110155SC - 110/155 Hasp & Staple Carded
£13.82 (inc VAT:) £11.52 (exc VAT:)
ABUS Mechanical ABU110155SC - 110/155 Hasp & Staple Carded
£13.82 (inc VAT:) £11.52 (exc VAT:)
Product UPC/EAN :
Product Description
A tough steel construction with concealed hinge pins and concealed screw heads.
Coach bolts supplied with carded versions only.
Hardened steel staple.
Where to use it:
Joint hasps for corner solutions, e.g. chests, cupboards
Suitable for doors not closing flush, i.e. door leaf and door frame are not level.
Hasp length: 155mm
Hasp width: 45mm
Staple bore dia: 12.5mm
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